aaguiar's blog



Reading Carpenter’s article, I agree with her in that the internet seems to be an ever-evolving work. We can see it in how businesses change their sites over time, reflecting the design principles of today that often aim towards simplicity. It is favorable to organize your site so the user has a more pleasant experience with navigation and readability. Consistency in this case would win more attention versus a jumbled creation of differing fonts and colors, which seemed to be more common in the internet’s early days. Regardless, it is important to experiment with making your own site, with these principles aside in favor of your own individuality. Doing so might help foster a more creative environment for web design because it could break away from the notion that some sites are “outdated” for today’s world.


https://www.spacejam.com/ Made in 1996

I chose this site because it gives a view of the creative capabilities that people had with the early internet, organizing colorful text, backgrounds, and images in a way that seemed hip for its time.

https://angblev.com/sundaysites/fried-potato/ Made in 2020

I chose this site because of the animated text that pops up when you first visit it. It’s flashy but also sets you up for the rest of the page, which in general looks like the creator had fun messing with gifs and colors. The theme has a lightheartedness to it.

Series Ideas


Looking at upward and downward trends to determine when it’s good to buy or sell a stock, what strategies to use depending on how you trade short term vs long term. Doing due diligence by looking into a company’s fundamentals, what big players are investing in it. I feel like this helps build financial literacy and keeps you informed with current events.

Travel blogs: They show their experiences visiting different countries or states. Usually talks about the unique food they ate, the people they met, places they didn’t know existed. To me it’s like a journal that gives you insight into another world.

Tech reviews:

Whenever there is new technology I’ll go on youtube or review sites to compare it to older or similar stuff. Especially if I’m thinking of buying this tech, it usually takes me days to make a decision after combing through different videos or sites (and trying to figure out if they’re paid for or actual reviews). I'll often go down a rabbit hole and discover new innovations the tech world is coming up with, and when these things are expected to hit the market. This keeps me informed with a lot of technology.